How to connect to VMware Ubuntu by using PuTTY

VMware creates virtualized server and desktop applications on a host computer. The Ubuntu operating system is a popular choice for host VM. Remote access to an Ubuntu VM typically requires SSH connectivity. PuTTY on Windows allows you to open an encrypted SSH session into your VMware Ubuntu VM.

Also explore how to use PuTTY X11 forwarding to connect to Ubuntu server.

Install VMware:

Open VMware workstation.

IP address of Ubuntu:

Find the IP address of the Ubuntu server.

Download PuTTY:

Download and install PuTTY on your local system.

Open PuTTY:

In PuTTY configuration windows, in the Host name section enter the username and password of Ubuntu server. Set the connection type to SSH.

Start connection:

To start connection, click on Open.

Enter the username and password when prompted.